Entangled in the sierra. Plants uses as a sustainable strategy of survival among the Guarijio/Makurawe people of Sonora, Mexico

The Guarijío/Makurawe people of Sonora are one of the most ignored native groups in Mexico´s Northwest region. From an ethnobotanical perspective, this paper analyzes the importance of plant resources for this indigenous community, according to their different uses. Some methodological technics incl...

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Autores Principales: Bañuelos Flores, Noemi, Salido-Araiza, Patricia L.
Formato: Artículo
Idioma: Español
Publicado: Editorial Tecnológica de Costa Rica (entidad editora) 2020
Acceso en línea: https://revistas.tec.ac.cr/index.php/tec_marcha/article/view/3849